TIP TWELVE - PROCESSING HARD EMOTIONS ☀️ Sometimes our harder feelings such as sadness, overwhelm, anger, grief will disappear quickly and easily but other times they will stick to us, waiting to be seen. If you find these emotions coming back...

TIP TWELVE - PROCESSING HARD EMOTIONS ☀️ Sometimes our harder feelings such as sadness, overwhelm, anger, grief will disappear quickly and easily but other times they will stick to us, waiting to be seen. If you find these emotions coming back...
TIP ELEVEN - OVERCOMING PERFECTIONISM ☀️ Who else is under perfectionism's grip? The issue with striving for perfection is that it can keep us stuck. It can keep us afraid. It can make us hide. We seem to forget that perfect isn’t even real. And...
TIP TEN - SILLY PUTTY FOR ANXIETY ☀️ Let's talk about the therapeutic benefits of silly putty for anxiety! What is Silly putty? Silly putty is a highly resistant material that never dries out. There are many different types of therapy putty...
TIP NINE - COPING WITH STRESS ☀️ Is stress or overwhelm currently in the driver's seat? Here are 5 things that may help: Spend time with people who make you feel alive, who nourish you, encourage you, and who accept you for exactly...
TIP EIGHT - PHOTO WALKS ☀️ Have you ever gone for a photo walk? 📷 Photowalking can make the task of getting out of the house more enjoyable. The main purpose is that as you walk, you take photos of the things that interest you along the...
TIP SEVEN - SUNSHINE ☀️ It is no secret that spending time in nature is good for you, but did you know that vitamin D helps to regulate mood? This is because spending time out in the sun releases serotonin, one of our body’s feel-good chemicals....
TIP SIX - MINDFULNESS ☀️ So, what is Mindfulness? What are the benefits, where did it come from, and most importantly, how do you get started? Mindfulness is rooted in Buddhism, though Buddhism and Mindfulness are not interdependent. Mindfulness...
TIP FIVE - SLEEP HYGIENE ☀️ Sleep Hygiene is the term used to describe healthy sleep habits. Below, we provide some evidence-based strategies and long-term solutions to help with sleep difficulties. Why is sleep hygiene important for our...
TIP FOUR - PIE CHARTS OF RESILIENCE ☀️Here we use art for self discovery and wellbeing. We use it to help us understand and honour the resilience we already have, and that our current struggles may have made us forget. We realise how far we have already...
TIP THREE - REFRAMING DIFFICULT EXPERIENCES ☀️ Asking yourself the following questions can help you re-story a difficult situation or experience so that you are able to respond rather than react. The following questions can also help you cultivate...